Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

[T966.Ebook] Ebook Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

Ebook Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

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Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

Ebook Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

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Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E

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  • Sales Rank: #1805117 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-10
  • Released on: 2015-05-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By ranarocks
Gives a very good description

See all 1 customer reviews...

Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E PDF
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Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E PDF

Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E PDF
Indian History : Subjective and Objective: CSAT, IES, NDA/NA, CDS, SCC, NCERT, Railway, Banking, State Services, etc., by Indian History E PDF

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

[B193.Ebook] Ebook The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

Ebook The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

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The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

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The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd

Sitting at the foundation of every site is HTML. It's the only language that's essential to a web site's very existence. On the surface HTML may seem simple but there's much more to it that meets the eye. With different versions, many infrequently used elements and attributes, and varying ways that browsers interpret the language, only a comprehensive and up-to-date reference, like this book, has it completely covered.

The Ultimate HTML Reference is your definitive resource for mastering HTML. The entire language is clearly and concisely covered, along with browser compatibility details, working examples, and easy-to-read descriptions. Authored by one of the world's most renowned HTML experts, this is a comprehensive reference that you'll come back to time and time again.

This cross-referenced, easy-to-use book covers:

  • Every element and attribute in the HTML and XHTML Specifications, including an example of its correct use
  • Coverage of deprecated and proprietary elements
  • Detailed browser compatibility information will save you hours of painful debugging and frustration
    • Sales Rank: #2069166 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: SitePoint
    • Published on: 2008-05-29
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.25" w x 7.00" l, 2.24 pounds
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 552 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    About the Author

    Ian Lloyd runs accessify.com, a web accessibility site that he started in 2002, and has written or co-written a number of web development books. Ian was previously a member of the Web Standards Project and is a regular speaker at web development conferences, including the highly regarded South By Southwest (SXSW) and @media events.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    33 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
    The ultimate HTML reference
    By Dale Vogel
    This book has become my go-to reference for anything HTML. Why do I like this book so much? Let me count the ways:

    (1) Every HTML tag past and present is covered in this book.
    (2) Each tag description is covered by telling you the proper open and closing tag, and available parameters;
    (3) An example HTML segment is given on how it's used;
    (4) Whether this is still valid HTML or an old, deprecated tag;
    (5) A brief text description on what the tag is used for, and when you should use it;
    (6) Browser support for the tag, with four browsers covered: IE, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. What version of the browser supports the tag, and its compatibility with past browsers. No other HTML reference that I know has this.
    (7) An index of each tag for quick look up.
    (8) A table of contents in logical segments: HTML Concepts, Structural Elements, Head Elements, List Elements, Text Formatting Elements, Form Elements, Image & Media Elements, Table Elements, Frame & Window Elements, Common Attributes with three appendixes: Deprecated Elements, Proprietary & Nonstandard Elements, and an Alphabetic Element Index.

    Now, to the aesthetics. The book is gorgeous. Type is well spaced, large, and laid out beautifully. Each tag is laid out in the same format with shaded areas for quick reference. And the piece-de-resistance, this is a hard-backed book, so when you pull it out of the bookshelf it feels solid and nice in your hand, not like a floppy fish you get with the soft covered tombs.

    What this book is not. A text on learning HTML. This is not a step-by-step guide. It is a beautiful dictionary for fast look up of HTML tags when your not sure of allowed options, format, whether it is a supported tag, or what browsers are supported.

    Five Stars for exactly what it is, "The Ultimate HTML Reference."

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Overall very good
    By Daniel A Goldman
    I like this book a lot. My only criticism is that it seems padded out some, because much material is repeated, exactly verbatim, for a series of related tags. That's not totally negative, because the material is all there when you look up a tag. But it could have been organized better.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Good reference.
    By Tim L.
    I had this book in my library for a few years. It was a great source and learning tool when I needed to solution to the problem at hand. If you're one to collect and build physical libraries for your office, it's a good one to have.

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    The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd PDF

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    The Ultimate HTML Reference, by Ian Lloyd PDF

    Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

    [P694.Ebook] Download Ma Cuisine Illustrée - Automne, by kness, reuno, aurélie neyret, anne montel

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    Ma Cuisine Illustrée - Automne, by kness, reuno, aurélie neyret, anne montel

    This book is in French only. Apprenez � cuisiner local et de saison avec une soixantaine de recettes d'automne illustr�es. Treize dessinateurs vous montrent pas � pas comment r�aliser entr�es, plats et desserts, mais aussi quelques indispensables comme les p�tes � tarte ou des ap�ritifs r�ussits ! Learn to cook local in the fall with 60 illustrated recipes. Thirteen illustrators show you how to cook delicious starters, desserts and dishes. You'll also find a few basics, like crusts and fantastic appetizers. This book is in French only :)

    • Published on: 2012
    • Original language: French
    • Dimensions: 8.62" h x .83" w x 12.09" l,
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 144 pages

    Most helpful customer reviews

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    Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

    [X194.Ebook] Download Ebook Clara Callan, by Richard B. Wright

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    Clara Callan, by Richard B. Wright

    • Sales Rank: #14715228 in Books
    • Published on: 2001
    • Binding: Paperback

    Most helpful customer reviews

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    1930's Small Town Spinster Leads an Interesting Life
    By kb1
    The story of two sisters is told completely through their letters and Clara's diary entries. Nora leaves the small Canadian town to live in New York and lands a job as a radio soap opera actress in the 1930's. Clara remains in the small town teaching at the school where her father was principal before his death. Clara finds a radio, phone and car unnecessary. After an incident on the back roads of the small town, Clara seeks out the help of Nora in New York. After returning to Canada, Clara occasionally treats herself to a movie in a larger city. It is there that she meets a man that changes her future.

    At first I felt sorry for Clara and was sure that ditzy Nora was headed for big trouble. Although Nora had her share of man troubles, it was nothing compared to the troubles of her spinster sister, Clara. I kept hoping Clara would soften or wizen but the afterward leads the reader to believe that did not happen.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Good read!
    By MarW
    I really enjoyed this story of two sisters from a small town in Ontario, told through a combination of their correspondence and Clara's diary. The story takes place mainly in the 1930s and is a good reflection of the challenges faced by single women during that time. One sister goes to New York and becomes a popular radio soap opera star, while the other remains a schoolteacher in her small town in Canada.

    The story reads as though it was written by a woman, but surprisingly, the author is a man, who did a commendable job of conveying the lives of these two very different women.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Male author? Could of fooled me!
    By Retired2009
    This book is not in the genre I generally read but the number of 5 star reviews caught my eye. The nuances of character were such that I was completely taken aback when I discovered that the author was male - after I finished reading the book! Although an avid e-book purchaser and reader, I rarely take the time to rate a book - this book was exceptional and worth a few minutes of my time to comment publicly.

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    Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

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    No More Wars, Please: My Journey from Lebanon to America, by MD, Alexandre Hageboutros

    During the 1970s, Alexandre Hageboutros grew up in Lebanon and experienced firsthand the ravages of war. While attempting to cling to some semblance of childhood, he developed the fortitude to survive the turmoil in his homeland and the hope of starting a new life in a land of opportunity. When he began college, he met Ghada, the love of his life, and he became more determined than ever to create a better future. Alexandre came to the United States at the age of twenty-four, influenced heavily by his family upbringing, his Catholic faith, and his medical education. The ongoing war in Lebanon had robbed him of much of the innocence of childhood and of many cherished friends and family members, but he was determined to begin anew, to create a joyous, peaceful life for himself and his family. No More Wars, Please: My Journey from Lebanon to America is an engaging memoir of a man to whom war was an everyday occurrence. Hageboutros openly shares the effects of war upon him and his family, how he established his oncology practice and insights concerning his view on how to achieve peace in a world torn by wars.

    • Sales Rank: #4054518 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: iUniverse
    • Published on: 2009-03-03
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .27" w x 6.00" l, .70 pounds
    • Binding: Hardcover
    • 108 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    Most helpful customer reviews

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    By Amazon Customer
    dr alex is currently treating my wife. This doctor is one of the most caring person we have ever meet. His knowledge and background is amazing. Highly recommend reading story of a real person.

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    Dr. Alex
    By Bobby
    Simply speechless as I read the Kindle edition this week. My wife, a patient of Dr. Alex, read this last year when it was first published and urged me to read it. Resisting, I started it Thursday, a week and a day after an office visit with Dr. Alex, where he told me it was now available. I began the journey just before dinner, and finished the book after dinner. I could not put it down until I had. Exceptional insight into a personal struggle to survive, mature, help humanity, and excel. A history lesson for those of us who have not held a history book open since the 60's. A history lesson for the generation that now holds the key to future survival in their young hands.

    0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
    Wars impact the innocent
    By Gloria Meekins
    A sincere, poignant and eye opening story from a man who lived in an area with war raining down around him and his family. His memoir draws the reader into the instability of that world, the journey beyond it and into his current life's work of caring for his cancer patience. Sensitivity, faith and compassion are the underpinnings of this book.

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    No More Wars, Please: My Journey from Lebanon to America, by MD, Alexandre Hageboutros PDF

    [V447.Ebook] Download Ebook A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal

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    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal

    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal

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    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal

    A Wampum Denied reassesses the much-maligned career of Henry Procter, commander of the British forces, traces the Canadian/British/Native side of the conflict (amid a literature dominated by the American view), and casts new light on an allied military strategy that very nearly succeeded, but when it failed, failed spectacularly.

    • Sales Rank: #2993201 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: McGill-Queen's University Press
    • Published on: 2011-10-03
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.40" w x 6.00" l, 1.05 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 478 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    "A Wampum Denied is a tour de force ... a mature piece of work, well-grounded in primary sources and a significant contribution to the field. This is the best work, by far, that I've read on the Northwest campaign in many years." Dr. Larry Nelson, director, Fort Meigs State Memorial, Ohio

    "In A Wampum Denied, retired Canadian army officer Sandy Antal seeks to rehabilitate Procter's reputation. His case is compelling. He shows that although Procter was badly served by his superiors in the east ... he did a good job of managing his troops an

    “Antal’s work is a detailed account of the struggles to preserve what was then the Canadian west, southwest Ontario, and the border with Michigan. Colonists were few and the transportation network limited.” British Journal of Canadian Studies

    About the Author
    Sandy Antal, co-author of Duty Nobly Done, became a teacher after retiring from twenty years as a major in the Canadian Forces. He now lives in Cameron, Ontario.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    A Wampum Denied
    By Dan Brown
    An excellent book for those looking to learn more about the War of 1812 as it pertains to the Great Lakes Region. This book focuses extensively on the British efforts in the region. The author's main thesis is that British officer Henry Procter has been unfairly criticized for his conduct of operations in this theater of war. Instead, given the limited supplies, logisitical problems, lack of support from his superiors, and the importance of the alliance with Native Americans in the region limited the choices available to Procter. In fact, Procter's decision to employ an offensive -defensive practice was logical considering the options available to him. Particularly interesting from the American perspective is Antal's portrayal of William Henry Harrison's efforts as sluggish and largely inneffective. This contrasts with other historians who view Harrison's efforts of combined operations on Lake Erie as one of the few examples of a succesful venture between two branches of the U.S. military.

    8 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
    Souls of the Past Reawakened!
    By Robert M. Burke, BA (Psychology, Management, and Economics)
    I am absolutely delighted with Mr. Antal's book "A Wampum Denied." This book attracts the many interests embodied within me: The "historian" with a desire to research and learn about events of the past. The "war enthusiast" with a lust for battle, tactics, and strategy. The "reader enthusiast" who rejoices as a well-written narrative comes to life before his eyes. The "student of management" who analyzes the leadership styles and skills of historical leaders to translate into effective leadership for today.
    Mr. Antal presents the events surrounding Colonel Henry Proctor in a thorough, thoughtful, and objective manner. As I read "A Wampum Denied", I was able to understand the many psychological, logistical, and personality challenges that became significantly influential in both the failures and the successes of Colonel Proctor as he coordinated his military leadership between elements of the British Right Division, the Canadian Militia, and the Indian confederacy. I gained tremendous insight into the "unseen battles" faced by Colonel Proctor, such as cultural concerns of the Canadian citizens and the French Canadien settlers in Michigan; increasing logistical and strategic pressures from the Native Americans under his charge; and especially the political and strategic dichotomy between Colonel Proctor and his superior officers (with the exception of Major General Isaac Brock).
    As a researcher, I truly appreciate the thoroughness of Mr. Antal's own research for his book "A Wampum Denied" and the detailed bibliography and notes found within. In my opinion, Mr. Antal was able to take the findings of his extremely comprehensive and exhaustive research and present his information in a delightful narrative that flows smoothly from beginning to end in rich detail. (The illustrations are exceptional!)
    Mr. Antal's book "A Wampum Denied" increased my understanding and awareness of the important events that helped to shape the future of the Detroit frontier and has become a permanent addition within my library.
    I highly recommend "A Wampum Denied: Proctor's War of 1812", by Mr. Sandy Antal, for anyone who enjoys reading an exciting story for enrichment, entertainment, or both. You will not be disappointed in the added value you will receive.

    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
    A great book about war in the Old Northwest!
    By A Customer
    Sandy Antal's book is a superb revisionist study of Major General Henry Procter's defense of Upper Canada during the War of 1812. Unlike most historians, Antal presents Henry Procter as having been a resourceful, intelligent, and daring military leader who provided an excellent defense of Canada despite overwhelming disadvantages. Antal also provides ample evidence that Procter based his military activities on a strategic plan of creating a Native American buffer state to preserve British interests in the North American West.
    Antal's writing style makes for a smooth and entertaining read. The book is also interesting because it is not a biography of Procter or a traditional campaign history book. Instead, Antal writes about the war by examining the perspectives of all the different types of participants; soldiers, Native Americans, politicians, and local citizens. Antal also explains the socio-economic and ethnic environment in which the war took place. Major General Procter is always at the center of discussion, but Antal's approach provides a broad understanding of Procter's circumstances during the war.
    The real strength of Antal's argument involves the use of compelling primary source evidence. The letters written by Issac Brock, for example, indicate that Procter ought be credited for preparing the Canadian conquest of the Michigan Territory. The evidence portrays Procter as an extremely credible soldier who was neglected by his superiors during the war. Antal's evidence also provides a compelling argument that Procter fully supported the Native American cause. Antal even provides evidence that Procter admired Tecumseh of the Shawnees. This idea is completely new among scholars and historical fiction writers.
    Scholars and avocational readers who are primarily interested in Native American history, however, may be disappointed with Antal's approach. Unlike most books written in the last ten years on the subject, Antal's book does not glorify Tecumseh or his cause. Instead, Antal considers the issues of other Native American leaders on an equal level with Tecumseh. Consequently, readers learn about Tecumseh's influential limitations from both Procter's perspective and that of other tribal leaders such as the Wyandotte chief Walk in the Water.
    The end result is a world in which Henry Procter constantly struggles to fight despite having unreliable Native American and militia support for his small, sick, and starving army. Antal's telling of the story makes every one of Procter's successes seem like a spectacular and miraculous victory. Procter's failure appears to have been nothing short of inevitable. This book ought to read by all those interested in the War of 1812 and the Old Northwest.

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    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal PDF

    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal PDF
    A Wampum Denied: Procter's War of 1812, Second Edition (Carleton Library Series), by Sandy Antal PDF